Live into your full feminine power & expression

We often wait for that permission. Fueling the story of exhaustion and proving by doing, doing, doing in the hope that all of those “medals/gold stars” will give us the final pass. The final arrival of our beautiful life.

 Consistently focusing on experiencing beautiful days has a compounding interest effect. 
As you may have heard, Albert Einstein said… “Compounding Interest is the 8th wonder of the world”

The same is true for our lives. If you allow yourself to align with beautiful days, they compound, and… 

Einstein was referring to the power it held in the area of finance and how quickly a small account can grow into millions over time. 

You're in the perfect place at
the perfect time

It's the extra “something” inside that you always knew was there.

The FemmeTypes Unlock Your True Feminine Power


What are




and The 

The FemmeTypes?

"Tara's a role model for a new way of living and leading the feminine shift that's happening in the world right now.  Her work is powerful and I've done some of it myself."

Ali Brown

Entrepreneur mentor,
Angel Investor,
featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire

The FemmeTypes are THE archetypal framework that supports us as women to integrate the physical and spiritual embodiment of balanced feminine energy.

When in sync and working in harmony, this Power of 3 will reveal a world that honors your heart’s true desires.

The FemmeTypes have been supporting women to experience more balance, power and and pleasure since 2008.  

Below you'll learn more about the FemmeType system and receive your detailed assessment.

 As we deepen this together, I want to share the origin story for the Femme's which was created out of my personal desire to heal from the most intense experience of my life and remember who I truly was.

Where it started…

The day before my 26th birthday, I was blessed with my first baby boy. As fate would have it, he passed away and I found myself on the frigid bottom of life. After almost a year of questioning my will to live, and who I was without my baby boy…I made a choice.

A choice to stop asking “why”? and start asking “how”?

How was I going to choose to allow this to affect me?

It was in that subtle, yet significant moment, that the FemmeTypes were born.

Day by day I began to connect with three distinct aspects of myself. Each aspect brought forward a unique expression and ‘wholeness’ in my life.

Over time, these three aspects became known as The FemmeTypes. When balanced these Femmes support us in living our Beautiful Soul-Led Life.

When I do the Femme Flow List on a regular basis, it really changes the trajectory of my day. It makes me feel much more purposeful. It helps me really think about what is important to me and what it is that I most want to accomplish so in that way I really love it.

Tamara C

New Yorker is the FemmeType responsible for prosperity, power and aligned action. This is a GORGEOUS FemmeType and also the one that is the most misunderstood.

When The New Yorker FemmeType is properly supported by The Frenchie and The Indie FemmeType we have the energy and clarity to take aligned action. 

However, when we are in overdrive with our New Yorker, we may find ourselves doing more and more in life but feeling less and less fulfilled.

This becomes a breeding ground for exhaustion and overwhelm. The solution is not to work harder. The solution is to balance this FemmeType with the other two.


What happens when you overcompensate with your FemmeTypes

  • You may find yourself doing more and more in life but feeling less and less fulfilled.

  • You may feel you are lacking drive and not getting the desired results you know you’re capable of. It can feel difficult to get and stay motivated.

  • You may have a history of starting things and not completing them, or getting close to success and then self-sabotaging.
  • You may even feel a little bit afraid of the power you have and if you are honest with yourself, perhaps you judge other women that are powerful.

I have been doing the Femme Flow List for the last week and already feel more in control, more focused, and as though I am moving steadily forward!

Once you have your FemmeTypes aligned, your world will change.

  • You have big dreams and feel like you know yourself well, but you may not be able to follow through the way you would like.
  • It feels like things are possible one moment and then it feels overwhelming and close to impossible the next moment.
  • Your relationship with money may be touch and go, you may have a tendency to live in feast or famine.

It’s time to see how activating your FemmeTypes will help you BE more of who you are. DO the things that are most important to you and ENJOY the life you are creating.

There is a daily process that allows you to come into alignment with your FemmeTypes in sync every day.

There is more to the FEMMETYPES than we realize.

When The New Yorker has the support of The Indie and The Frenchie magic happens.

Once you properly align with your New Yorker, instead of feeling like you have to constantly prove yourself, you will find yourself open to prosperity in a much easier way.

You will find you are able to do less and feel more fulfilled.

You will no longer feel controlled by your “to-do” list and have a new sense of completion at the end of the day.

The most important things in your life that have the biggest impact will become your priority.

Below I share a process called the Femme Flow process, which ensures you have time for the most important things in your life.

I'm currently participating in the femme flow course.. and already it has empowered me and feel a big shift towards living my beautiful life more fully! I can't wait to see and feel my transformation after I have completed the course!

Rina R

My day never goes as well if I skip the Femme Flow List
I ALWAYS sleep better if I do the FFL especially the evening steps, as it kind of closes out the day for me and allows me the peace to sleep well. I believe this is because it gets me to honor what has gone right or well in the day rather than going to bed worrying about the things I didn't get done yet.

Cori  M

When your FemmeTypes are in-tune and in sync,

your world reflects Your Desires

It is absolutely amazing how something as simple at the Femme Flow List can change your entire day... Tara Marino thank you so much!

Kelly King

The daily flow women truly need!
Receive immediate access to the exclusive process that thousands of women use to experience balance, prosperity and peace every day.

List Program


Femme Flow


Activate Your Feminine Power Today!

Today was my 1st day of doing the FFL morning phase and I already feel a shift in my energy for the better!!!

Rina Reddy

I do my FFL each morning & night, and wow- the intentions alone are so powerful!

Margaret   McClellan

Here's what you'll learn
in the program...

MODULE 01 – The Beginning

MODULE 01 – The Beginning

We start by identifying where you are with your daily emotions. From morning to night. Once we identify your stressors and what’s the root cause, we can begin to build a foundation for a balanced day. A day brimming with pleasure and activities that are truly aligned with what you want to be doing.

MODULE 02– The FemmeTypes

MODULE 02– The FemmeTypes

You’ll learn the archetypal system that brings balance, prosperity, and peace into your life. When you tap into these 3 aspects on a daily basis, you’ll experience a deeper connection with your authentic self.

MODULE 03 – The feminine answer to the “to-do” list 

MODULE 03 – The feminine answer to the “to-do” list 

No more uninspiring tasks on an endless to-do list! Live your life on purpose with the Femme Flow List. When you incorporate the Femme Flow List (FFL) into your daily routine, you’ll gracefully move in the direction of your true desires. Living a beautiful life will just feel right.

MODULE 04 – Good Morning

MODULE 04 – Good Morning

Your morning can set the tone for your day. You’ll learn the transformational mindset shift that changes how you feel before your feet hit the floor in the morning. Begin the day tapping into your feminine guidance system.

MODULE 05 – The “Joy” step

MODULE 05 – The “Joy” step

Want to live longer? It’s been scientifically proven that being happy helps people live longer. This step of The Femme Flow List connects you to unique pleasure points that are important to you. Once you identify these pleasure points, you bring more daily happiness into your formula.

MODULE 06 – The Completion

MODULE 06 – The Completion

Have you ever finished a full day of “work” and “tasks” only to feel like you got nothing done? This is where your New Yorker comes in and saves the day. Except you’ll be doing this step in the morning! Get ahead of your day when you tap into this gorgeous step that brings clarity on what’s truly important.

MODULE 07 – The Purpose

MODULE 07 – The Purpose

You’ll learn how to set yourself up to have a day worth remembering. And it all comes down to this one thing that aligns you with success.

MODULE 08 – The Wind Down

MODULE 08 – The Wind Down

The way you end your day sets the tone for feeling positive in that moment as well as the next day! When you follow the Femme Flow bedtime process, you’ll experience higher levels of appreciation for who you are as a woman.

You’ll perceive yourself and the day in a way that increases your connection with your soul. This process improves your evening sleep cycles and teaches you to interact with your dream state in a powerful way.

MODULE 09 – 14 days to change your life

MODULE 09 – 14 days to change your life

 We have created a special sequence to support you over 14 days so you can live into your Beautiful Life with ease, grace and consistency.

Click here to learn more

Only $97

The Femme Flow List Program

The Femme Flow List Supports You
To live your desired life...NOW

The passport to living your unique version of your Beautiful Soul-Led life is to be fully connected and aware of who you are. What you desire. What increases your capacity for pleasure. And to honor the authentic aligned action that will support your vision.

The FemmeTypes are the portal to living a connected, fulfilling life that aligns with your soul. 

This digital program, The Femme Flow List, supports you daily, step by step through the process of creating BEAUTIFUL days for yourself.

As we say in Elegant Femme, a beautiful life starts with a beautiful day

Gift yourself your Beautiful Life...TODAY!

I love how my femmes support me through the FFL, and I love how they support each other! So often they are all focused on the same thing from different angles. It's beautiful to observe this harmony among my inner voices and makes me feel a deep self love and gratitude ❤️

 Laura C

I woke up this morning excited to start my Femme Flow List. My Indie wanted me to engage and be with others. My Frenchie wanted me to practice some self-care and use the soap and lotion that I purchased when I was in Paris. And my New Yorker wanted me to go to a local café for breakfast and go for a walk. I feel totally enlivened and it was the perfect way for me to start the New Year.

Merci, Tara.

Debra K

Click here to learn more

Only $97

The Femme Flow List Program